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Showing posts from April, 2021
  VINCENZO, 97 PERCENT OF GOOGLE USERS BINGING THE SHOW AND LEAVING A POSITIVE REVIEW. THE CRAZY SCRIPT AND REASON WHY IT MAY BECOME ONE OF THE BIGGEST KOREAN MOVIES OF THE DECADE. ACTORS AND ACTRESSES. Introduction to Vincenzo. This drama is filled with some of the most comedic, romantic and thrilling scenes. After seeing this drama, you will think most Korean dramas don’t measure up. Vincenzo makes the storyline seem so predictable but ends up bringing us shocking, unpredictable and satisfying scenes. Difference from other dramas. What makes Vincenzo so unique. Vincenzo is so unique because of the cast, the storyline, the characters, the villain and the unique ways in which the heroes try to solve their problems and bring justice. Shocking storyline and behavior of the characters              Rather than going about with the normal hero routine, which is, catch the bad guy without breaking rules, at first the ...